Gibbons and others (2015) have put together a suite of geologic data (e.g. ages of geologic units, fossils), plate motion data (geometry of plates and ocean ridge spreading rates), and plate tectonic data (initiation and cessation of subduction or collision,…
Earthquake in Papua New Guinea!
In the last ~24 hours, we have had a few earthquakes in northeastern Papua New Guinea, all in the M 5 range. Here are the USGS web sites for these earthquakes: 2015.09.11 M 5.5 2015.09.11 M 5.3 2015.09.12 M 5.0…
Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake: USGS Slip Models
The USGS has processed an inversion of the seismic data for a slip model for the Mw 7.3 earthquake. I have rubbersheeted their fault plane solution, as well as the solution for the Mw 7.8 earthquake for comparison. Please find…
Large Aftershock in Nepal: 3rd Update
After some debate online, I decided to put this quick map together. Clicking on the epicenters in google earth or on the USGS earthquakes page, one can easily determine that there were aftershocks from the 2015.04.25 Mw 7.8 earthquake in…
Large Aftershock in Nepal: 2nd Update
Well, there have been a few more aftershocks over night… Here is my first post about these aftershocks (I provide more links to the USGS web sites). Plus, the USGS has inverted the seismic data to estimate a fault plane…
Large Aftershock in Nepal: 1st Update
The first moment tensor has been calculated and I have plotted this Mww MT on the map. There has also been a small M 5.6 aftershock to this M 7.3 aftershock. Here is the map, that also includes moment tensors…
Large Aftershock in Nepal
We just had a large aftershock to the east of the mainshock. The PAGER estimates are currently suggesting that there will be additional casualties. Regions that were destabilized (hillsides, buildings, etc.) from the main shock, but were not in areas…
Earthquakes in Los Angeles
We have had a number of small earthquakes in the Los Angeles Basin in the past month. These three earthquakes appear aligned with the Newport Inglewood fault system, the fault that ruptured in 1933 for what is generally called the…
Coseismic Surface Deformation: Nepal
We just got an image with an estimate of coseismic surface deformation for the Nepal Earthquake.
Updated Historic Seismicity: Nepal, Himalayas (3 data sets)
I have added one more polygon data set to the three main data sets that include records of historic earthquake slip patches. The three data sets now include Bilham (2004), Bettinelli et al (2006), and Berryman et al. (2009). I…