Today there was a magnitude M 7.4 earthquake near the border of Chile and Bolivia. It reminded me of an earthquake last month along the coast of Peru. I started working on a report and will follow up…
Earthquake Report: M 7.4 Earthquake in Taiwan
Just as my workday was wrapping up, I got my notification of an earthquake in Taiwan and, shortly thereafter, a call from my boss. There was a possibility of a tsunami, so I stay tuned in the case that I…
Earthquake Report: M 6.9 Papua New Guinea
There was a large earthquake today in Papua New Guinea, magnitude M 6.9. There was a M 7.0 earthquake in a nearby location (albeit almost twice as deep as today’s M 6.9). Here is the report for that earthquake.…
Earthquake Report: M 7.0 China
A couple days ago there was a magnitude M 7.0 earthquake in western China. This earthquake happened in a remote area of China with a low population density. While the earthquake was relatively shallow (about 25 km or 15…
Flood Report: 2024 January Northern California
Often I feel FOMO (fear of missing out) when I am out of town for work and there is a large storm as I would be missing the opportunity to observe some extreme weather. I was traveling for work in…
Earthquake Report: M 7.5 in Japan
Last night (my time) as I was winding down, I heard my phone go ‘tinggggg.’ A few moments later I got up and learned of a M 7.5 earthquake offshore of the west coast of Japan. This place has…
Earthquake Report: M 7.2 Alaska
This is a brief report that includes an interpretive poster and a plot of tide gage data that show a tsunami generated by this M 7.2 earthquake. I don’t always have the time to write a proper Earthquake Report.…
Earthquake Report: M 7.6 offshore of the Philippines
This morning (my time) I was awakened by the tsunami notification that I get on my phone. I lept into action. I get tsunami notifications so that I can respond to these potential tsunami events that may impact the coast…
Earthquake Report: Banda Sea
The other evening (my time) I and many others noticed a series of earthquakes in the Banda Sea region. As is typical, people want as much information about these earthquakes as possible as soon as possible. There were two quakes…
Earthquake Report: M 6.9 Papua New Guinea
Early this morning my time, there were several earthquakes in and offshore of Papua New Guinea. The two main earthquakes are magnitude M 6.7 and 6.9. 2023.10.07 M 6.7: 2023.10.07 M 6.9: There are several different interpretations for…