In commemoration of the #EarthquakeCup, I have put together a summary for the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake, the M 9.5 1960 Valdivia, Chile Earthquake. The Peru-Chile trench is quite active and generated Great earthquakes (M>8) in 1985, 2010, 2014, and…
Earthquake Report: Gulf of Alaska UPDATE #2
UPDATES Below is a list of all the reports associated with this earthquake sequence. Original Report Report Update #1 Report Update #2 I thought it would be interesting to see the seismicity with time. Perhaps this could help us learn…
Earthquake Report: Gulf of Alaska UPDATE #1
Well. What a firestorm of social media discusions about this earthquake. It seems that, like how we learn so much when earthquakes like this happen, the amount of interacting in public on social media has been growing earthquake by earthquake.…
Earthquake Report: Gulf of Alaska!
I was asleep in bed, trying to catch up to prevent myself from getting ill, when there was a large earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska (GA), offshore of Kodiak, Alaska. When I wakened, I noticed a fb message from…
Earthquake Report: Peru Update #1
Well, I missed looking further into a key update paper and used figures from an older paper on my interpretive poster yesterday. Thanks to Stéphane Baize for pointing this out! Turns out, after their new analyses, the M 7.1 earthquake…
Earthquake Report: Peru
We had a damaging and (sadly) deadly earthquake in southern Peru in the last 24 hours. This is an earthquake, with magnitude M 7.1, that is associated with the subduction zone forming the Peru-Chile trench (PCT). The Nazca plate (NP)…
Earthquake Report: Berkeley, CA (Hayward fault)
There was an earthquake last night (local time) in Berkeley, aligned with the Hayward fault. The Hayward fault is one of the synthetic sister faults to the San Andreas fault, the major player in the dextral (right-lateral, strike-slip) plate boundary…
Earthquake Report: Caroline Ridge Update #1
Well, there was an earthquake this morning (my time) that may help us select a fault plane solution. Recall that these fault plane solutions (moment tensors and focal mechanisms) have two possible fault planes. We need additional information (like fault…
Earthquake Report: Caroline Ridge
There was an earthquake sequence beginning 2017.12.08 along the northern flank of Caroline Ridge in the western Pacific Ocean, near the intersection of the Mariana and Yap trenches. The two largest earthquakes, M 6.5 and M 6.4, are both strike-slip…
Earthquake Report: Loyalty Islands Update #1
I just got back from one of the best conferences that I have ever attended, PATA Days 2017 (Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archeoseismology). This conference was held in Blenheim, New Zealand and was planned to commemorate the 300 year anniversary…