Last night (my time) we had a large earthquake along a plate boundary that is one of the most tectonically active regions in the world. There was an earthquake with a magntude of M 7.9 along the San Cristobal Trench…
Earthquake Report: Nevada!
Well, this is an interesting series of earthquakes. They occurred in a region that has not had any earthquakes (given the USGS NEIC database). However, as Jascha Polet pointed out on twitter, there was a swarm to the east in…
Earthquake Report: Kaikōura, New Zealand Post # 02
Here is the first update on the 2016.11.13 (UTC) Mw 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake and associated fault ruptures, ground shaking, and other geologic effects. I will be preparing several more posts on this subject. I was invited to participate on a…
Earthquake Report: Oregon
We just had an earthquake with an epicenter that plots near Warrenton, Oregon (at the northwesternmost tip of Oregon, near the mouth of the Columbia River). Here is the USGS website for this M 3.5 earthquake. Even though it is…
Earthquake Report: New Hebrides / Tonga Update #2
I put together another map that shows these two earthquakes. The M 7.2 earthquake appears to be along a west-northwest striking right lateral strike-slip fault and the M 6.1 appears to be either a steeply or shallowly dipping normal (extension)…
Earthquake Report: New Hebrides
There was just a M 7.2 earthquake between New Caledonia and Fiji. There is a strike slip plate boundary fault in this region that connects the New Hebrides Trench with Fiji. Here is the USGS website for this earthquake. Below…
Earthquake Report: Honey Lake fault zone
There was a swarm of seismic activity near Honey Lake a couple of days ago. I was stage managing at Reggae on the River, so missed the chance to write about this when it happened. Here is the USGS website…
USGS Menlo Park: 2016.06.29
I recently gave a talk for the USGS Earthquake Seminar Series at the USGS Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park. Here is a web page where I post material from my talk, including some background material. Below I present some…
CASEIS 16 – Submarine Paleoseismology along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone
Here is a link to the main research cruise page for the CASEIS 16 Lesser Antilles Submarine Paleoseismology cruise. Our goal is to find turbidites so that we might establish a prehistoric record of earthquakes along this subduction zone. The…
Earthquake Report: East Pacific Rise and Middle America Trench
Yesterday we had an earthquake along the Clipperton fracture zone (CFZ), a transform plate boundary that offsets the northern East Pacific Rise (EPR). I was busy grading so did not get to this until today. Here are the four large…