There was just a M 7.2 earthquake between New Caledonia and Fiji. There is a strike slip plate boundary fault in this region that connects the New Hebrides Trench with Fiji. Here is the USGS website for this earthquake. Below…
Toast, tsunamis, and the really big one | Chris Goldfinger | TEDxMtHood
Following an article in the New Yorker on July 20, 2015, the Cascadia subduction zone got more attention nationwide than it had ever seen previously. Most in the pacific northwest knew about Cascadia, but this article brought knowledge of the…
Earthquake Report: Honey Lake fault zone
There was a swarm of seismic activity near Honey Lake a couple of days ago. I was stage managing at Reggae on the River, so missed the chance to write about this when it happened. Here is the USGS website…
Earthquake Report: Bartlett Springs fault system, Lake Pillsbury
We just had a good sized earthquake adjacent to the mapped surface trace of the Bartlett Springs fault, southeast of Lake Pillsbury. Here is the USGS website for the M 5.1 earthquake. Here is my interpretive map that shows the…
#EarthquakeReport Mariana Trench!
Earlier this year, there was an intermediate depth earthquake along the Mariana Trench with a magnitude of M 7.7. I was traveling and did not have the opportunity to prepare a report at the time. While getting together my annual…
Earthquake Report: Bayside (northern California): Update #1
So, I put together another map with today’s earthquake in context with the historic seismicity and some other factors. Now the USGS magnitude is M = 4.7 and there is a moment tensor for this earthquake (that looks very similar…
Earthquake Report: Bayside (northern California)
Well, after installing a stilling basin for our new tide gage installation at Trinidad, CA, I was napping in my upstairs bedroom in Manila, CA. I was awakened by a short (2-3 second) short shaking earthquake. Turns out it was…
Friends of the Arcata Marsh 2016.07.22
I present material about the Cascadia subduction zone for the Friends of the Arcata Marsh (FOAM) held on 7/22/16 at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center. This page has some supporting material from this presentation, including the digital presentation file. The…
USGS Menlo Park: 2016.06.29
I recently gave a talk for the USGS Earthquake Seminar Series at the USGS Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park. Here is a web page where I post material from my talk, including some background material. Below I present some…
CASEIS 16 – Submarine Paleoseismology along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone
Here is a link to the main research cruise page for the CASEIS 16 Lesser Antilles Submarine Paleoseismology cruise. Our goal is to find turbidites so that we might establish a prehistoric record of earthquakes along this subduction zone. The…