Here are two figures that go together. The first figure displays some cores in the region of the 2004 Sumatra Andaman subduction zone earthquake. The map shows their locations. The core figure shows the correlations I made using green lines to depict these correlations.
The second figure shows the technique I use to correlate the geophysical signature of these turbidites. I use three turbidite sequences T-4-5, T-5-7, and T-15-18 in 4, 4, and 3 cores. For each sequence, the upper panel shows the core imagery and MST data. The middle panel shows the MST data from each core grouped by geophysical parameter: Gamma density on the left, CT density in the middle (dark blue), and point magnetic susceptibility on the right (red). The upper two panels display all core data in the same vertical scale. The lower panel shows the MST data scaled (aka “flattened”) to stratigraphic horizons (e.g. the turbidites).