People have been busy documenting the damage from the M 6.4 earthquake in Taiwan. Here is my initial Earthquake Report for this earthquake. Here are a couple news sources on the damage. There appears to be a few large buildings…
Earthquake Report: Taiwan!
We just had an earthquake in southern Taiwan. Here is the USGS website for this M 6.4 earthquake. In April 2015, there was a series of earthquakes in the northeast of Taiwan. Here is my earthquake report for those earthquakes.…
Earthquake Report: Kamchatka!
We just had an earthquake located along the Kamchatka Peninsula. Here is the USGS website for this M 7.2 earthquake. This earthquake was fairly deep and approximately east of a large and very deep earthquake from 2013. Here is my…
Earthquake Report: Hokkaido!
Today we had an earthquake offshore of Hokkaido. This earthquake occurred near the 2003 Tokachi_oki earthquake, a M 8.3 earthquake that is responsible for one of the only direct observations of a seismogenic turbidity current. Here is my interpretive map.…
Earthquake Report: India!
Today we had a good sized earthquake in eastern India, within the India-Burmese wedge (IBW). The IBW is a part of the convergent plate boundary between the India plate to the west and the Burma (part of Eurasia) plate to…
Earthquake Report: 2015 Summary M GT 7
Here I summarize the global seismicity for 2015. I limit this summary to earthquakes with magnitude greater than or equal to M 7.0. I reported on all but one of these earthquakes. Here are all the annual summaries: 2015 Earthquake…
Earthquake Report: Tajikistan!
We just had an earthquake in Tajikistan with a magnitude of M = 7.2. Here is the USGS website for this earthquake. We had a M = 7.5 in Afghanistan in October of 2015, less than 2 months ago. That…
Earthquake Report: Nicobar Isles and Sumatra!
This past 24 hours include two large earthquakes in the region of the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone offshore of Sumatra. Here is a map using the USGS online GIS interface. Here are the two large earthquakes posted on the USGS websites:…
Afghanistan Earthquake: Update #1
There have been several data updates following the earthquake yesterday. I presented my first summary about this M = 7.5 earthquake here. There are a number of sources of information regarding the casualties from this devastating earthquake posted on this…
Earthquake in Afghanistan!
There was a large magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan today (M = 7.5). There have been reported thousands of deaths so far. Here the USGS websites for the largest earthquakes so far: 2015/10/26 M 7.5 2015/10/26 M 4.8 2015/10/26 M 4.4…