Here is a deep one (currently) and a big one. There may be a local tsunami, but there are no focal mechanisms yet. Ill add those when they become available. Here is a screenshot from the
Mw 7.1 Phillipines 2013.10.15
Fairly big earthquake. Sounds like it has caused some damage. Farly big earthquake. Sounds like it has caused some damage. Looks like a thrust or reverse earthquake, USGS poses the fault is in the Sunda crust. Fairly deep earthquake, but…
Ken Aalto Talk on the Franciscan Today 10/14/13
Today at HSU Founders Hall Room 25 at 5PM
Mw 4.9 Trinidad 2013.10.11
All right! That was exciting and a little bit scary. Most all earthquakes scare me because I recognize they might get bigger or trigger a bigger one. This earthquake is most likely on a northeast striking strike-slip fault in the…
M7.7 in Pakistan
A very large earthquake in Pakistan today! As a result of collision of the Arabia plate into the Eurasia plate, thrust faults formed in Pakistan. This collision zone is the same basic convergence region that extends from Java/Sumatra, up through…
IPCC 5th Assessment Report Forthcoming
Coming out later this month here i pasted some text from the group I fact sheet that demonstrates why the IPCC assessment reports are the most comprehensive and peer reviewed science ever. 9,200 references! ~55,000 comments! no single paper…
Core Site 64, Core RR0705-108PC, Station Sheet
1 + 2 = 3 (1) Tonight I was reviewing some core station sheets for some notes regarding over-penetration of the sea floor. This core station sheet was filled out with pertinent information about the core deploymnent. These are basically…
Updated Dissertation Files
I have organized my three papers. These are in a state of flux and I hope to submit them to my committee shortly. Here is the draft of my first paper, I will be submitting this to Geosphere shortly. Here…
M 7.0 on the Aleutian subduction zone
Here is another pretty big earthquake. Those on the islands of Adak and Atka probably got shook pretty strongly. The moment tensor shows a compressional earthquake and this is consistent with this setting on a subduction zone. If this EQ…
This is a map of modeled tsunami sea surface elevations.
People have been promoting ignorance and I am exhausted at explaining to each of them regarding this. The ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Power Plant in northeast Japan is horrible. However, we as a society could want to be the…