Gibbons and others (2015) have put together a suite of geologic data (e.g. ages of geologic units, fossils), plate motion data (geometry of plates and ocean ridge spreading rates), and plate tectonic data (initiation and cessation of subduction or collision,…
Earthquake between the San Andreas and Maacama!
Saturday morning (2015.08.29), residents in Fort Bragg were awakened by a M 3.6 earthquake along a fault that lies between the San Andreas fault (SAF) to the west and the Maacama fault (MF) to the east. Here is the USGS…
Gorda plate earthquake: 2010 zone strikes again
Early this morning we had a small rumbler offshore of northern California, generally in the same location as the 2010.01.10 earthquake. I remember the 2010 earthquake very well as the ground shaking lasted over 20 seconds in Manila. Here is…
Mendocino fault Earthquake
This sure looks like an earthquake on the Transform Plate Boundary fault system known as the Mendocino fault. I have plotted the moment tensor for this earthquake. The shaking intensity contours are plotted. Here is the USGS web page for…
Blanco fracture zone strikes again
The Blanco fracture zone (BFZ) is a transform plate boundary that connects the Juan de Fuca ridge with the Gorda rise spreading centers. This active fault zone consists of numerous right-lateral (dextral) faults. There is some debate as to how…
Mendocino fault earthquake
We had a small magnitude earthquake “today” along the Mendocino fault system approximately 150 km west of Cape Mendocino. Here is the USGS web page for the Mw 4.8 earthquake. Based upon the tectonic setting, the hypocentral depth, and the…
Stress Changes from Strike Slip Faults
One may ask what are the relations between the Mendocino fault (MF) and the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ). Earthquakes on both fault systems are responding to the same plate motions. As the Gorda plate moves to the east, relative to…
Mendocino fault Aftershocks: Update
The aftershocks continue following the Mw 5.7 mainshock earthquake swarm along the Mendocino fault. Yesterday I plotted my interpretation for the location of the fault that this swarm may have ruptured upon. Some epicenters have been relocated and appear to…
Mendocino fault earthquake 1/28/15 1:08 PM local time
We just had a good sized shaker, probably on the Mendocino fault system. Today’s earthquake occurred on 1/28/2015 at 1:08 local time. The mainshock, an earthquake of magnitude Mw = 5.7, has an epicenter approximately 20 km due west of…
Gorda plate earthquake animations
I have put together a couple animations of the earthquake epicenters preceding, during, and following the recent earthquake swarm in the Gorda plate. Here is the first page I put together for this M 6.8 earthquake. Here are some maps…