Yesterday (I was busy getting a Mt. St. Helens field trip together, here is the link for that) we had an earthquake with a magnitude M = 6.1. While this is not a large earthquake, it is notable because this…
Gorda plate earthquake 2015.02.24
Where else would we get a focal mechanism or moment tensor for an earthquake of such a small magnitude! We are so lucky. This is the USGS web page for the earthquake. We get Gorda plate earthquakes frequently and most…
Mendocino fault Aftershocks: Update
The aftershocks continue following the Mw 5.7 mainshock earthquake swarm along the Mendocino fault. Yesterday I plotted my interpretation for the location of the fault that this swarm may have ruptured upon. Some epicenters have been relocated and appear to…
Mendocino fault earthquake 1/28/15 1:08 PM local time
We just had a good sized shaker, probably on the Mendocino fault system. Today’s earthquake occurred on 1/28/2015 at 1:08 local time. The mainshock, an earthquake of magnitude Mw = 5.7, has an epicenter approximately 20 km due west of…
Cascadia’s 315th Birthday
On this morning, 315 years ago, the Cascadia subduction zone fault ruptured as a margin wide earthquake. I here commemorate this birthday with some figures that are in two USGS open source professional papers. The Atwater et al. (2005) paper…
Gorda plate earthquake animations
I have put together a couple animations of the earthquake epicenters preceding, during, and following the recent earthquake swarm in the Gorda plate. Here is the first page I put together for this M 6.8 earthquake. Here are some maps…
M 5.2 Gorda plate earthquake 2014/03/13
This is a very cool earthquake! In the last few days, there was an earthquake swarm in the southeastern Gorda plate. This earthquake released accumulated strain along the faults in that region. A result of these earthquakes is that the…
Aftershocks from the M 6.8 Gorda plate earthquake
Here are some maps i have put together that show the accumulated aftershocks from the M 6.8 Gorda plate earthquake on Sunday night. There was one M 3.3 earthquake less than 30 minutes before the main shock. I draw the…
radio interview on KMUD, local news Monday 3/10/14
Carrie from KMUD news interviewed me for the local news broadcast on Monday 3/10/14 and rebroadcast the following morning. KMUD archives their local news online for one year. Here is a recording of the KMUD local news. My interview is…
landslide between Redway and Garberville
Here are some photos from a landslide possibly triggered by the M 6.9 earthquake. It would be difficult to determine if this was caused by the rainfall or by the earthquake. Given that there were only a few landslides across…