This morning we had three earthquakes related to the Blanco fracture zone, a transform (shear) plate boundary. These earthquakes occurred quite a bit north of the bathymetric expression of the BFZ (though the M 5.8 is actually plotting closer to…
Historic Seismicity Animations: Izu-Bonin, Mariana: 1940 – 2015
Following up on the seismicity in the western Pacific, I put together a couple animations. My post about the deep mainshock (magnitude M = 7.8 ) is here. My second post has some aftershocks plotted (and some foreshocks), as well…
Triggered Earthquakes: Izu-Bonin
Well, we had a large magnitude earthquake (M = 6.2) triggered by the M 7.8 deep earthquake along the Izu-Bonin Trench. Here is my post from yesterday. Note the triggered earthquake is in a region where there were earthquakes about…
Earthquake in Izu-Bonin!
Early this morning (luckily I was not awake at the time) we had a really deep (~677km) M = 7.8 extensional earthquake along the Bonin Trench in the western Pacific. Here is the USGS page for this earthquake. Here is…
Animation of Seismicity along the Alaska/Aleutian Arc
This took me just a few minutes to put together. I searched the USGS earthquakes website with a rectangular search area for earthquakes greater than M = 6.0, downloaded the google Earth kml file with epicenters colored by depth (and…
Earthquake along the Alaska Penninsula!
We just had an earthquake along the Alaska Peninsula. The magnitude is currently set at 6.7 on the USGS website. The Peninsula is a volcanic arc that forms as a result of the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the…
Gorda earthquake triggered a Gorda earthquake?
We just had an earthquake along the nodal plane of the Gorda plate earthquake earlier today. Here is the USGS web page for the Gorda M = 4.3 earthquake and here is the USGS web page for the Gorda plate…
Gorda plate earthquake: 2010 zone strikes again
Early this morning we had a small rumbler offshore of northern California, generally in the same location as the 2010.01.10 earthquake. I remember the 2010 earthquake very well as the ground shaking lasted over 20 seconds in Manila. Here is…
Mid Atlantic Ridge Plate Boundary
In the past week, there have been a few earthquakes along the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and some associated fracture zones. The Mid Atlantic Ridge is a divergent plate boundary. As the plates move apart, the asthenosphere is decompressed and…
Sandwich Islands Earthquake… mmmm
We just had a M 5.8 earthquake in the volcanic arc region of the Scotia subduction zone. The moment tensor (currently) shows an extensional mechanism. I will post more on this as I am about to hit the road. Here…