Here is my poster for the 2012 AGU Fall Meeting. I discuss the sedimentary settings in Sumatra and Cascadia as they control turbidite deposition. Patton et al., 2012 (48 MB pdf file) Patton et al., 2012 (Low Resolution 7 MB…
nhess sumatra and cascadia paper
Here is the latest revision to my paper: Patton et al., 2012 I discuss how the different margin settings led to different sedimentary systems. Jason R Patton1, Chris Goldfinger1, Ann E. Morey1, Chris Romsos1, Brandi Black1, Yusuf Djadjadihardja2, Udrekh Udrekh2…
earthquake and tsunami hazard talk at CR Fort Bragg, 10/30/12
I will be giving a talk about earthquake and tsunami hazards of Mendocino County for the Personal Enrichment Learning Series at College fo the Redwoods, Mendocino Coast Campus. Refreshments at 5:30, talk starts at 6PM on 10/30/12 in room 114.…
College of the Redwoods Mendocino Coast Course Documentation Posted
I have posted the course documentation for the classes i am leading at the mendocino coast campus of the College of the Redwoods.
2012 Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference
here is the announcement page for the 2012 Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference:
press release for our USGS turbidite professional paper
Greetings, Here is a link to the press release for the USGS professional paper that details the earthquake record of the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ) as recorded in the deep sea as turbidites. I worked largely on the radiocarbon analyses…
2012 Kinetic Madness Celebration
Please come to my Eleventh Annual Kinetic Madness Celebration THIS SAT AT NOON: manila beach bungalo. i have been celebrating the kinetic sculpture race since i moved to manila in 1996. the race rides directly in front of my house…
press release for Sumatra volcanism paper
Greetings all, here is the press release for our paper on Sumatra Late Pleistocene to Holocene deep-sea tephra (volcanic ash) deposits. Thanks go out to Morgan Salisbury for being so diligent as to result in this publication. For more information…
sumatra volcanism paper
Greetings, our volcanism paper has been published. i have placed the author’s version here . we discuss the tephra deposits (volcanic ash) that we found in the cores i collected offshore Sumatra the summer of 2007. i worked primarily on…
some updated maps for the n Sumatra outer rise earthquake swarm
i have updated the map i made this morning with 2 new maps. the first map is just like the original, but i have placed the epicenters to all the earthquakes from this morning (>M4 from the USGS website). the…