This region is a seismically active region. Today we had a M 6.2 earthquake. Here is the USGS web page for this earthquake. Last November, there were a series of large magnitude compression aearthquakes. Here are some posts about these…
Lake Almanor: Indian Valley fault activity
There was an earthquake swarm in this region in 2013. The largest magnitude earthquake had a magnitude of M = 5.7. Here is the USGS page for that earthquake. “Today” we got a M = 3.8 earthquake in this same…
Earthquakes in Chile: Between the 2010 and 2014 Slip Patches
There have been a few earthquakes in the region between the 2010 and 2014 Chile subduction zone earthquakes. This is a seismic gap that has not had a Great earthquake since 1977, a ~M = 8.5 earthquake that spanned the…
Moderately Deep Focus Earthquake in Colombia
There was a moderately deep focus extensional earthquake beneath Colombia today. Here is the USGS web page for this earthquake. Here is a map that shows the epicenter as a green dot. Historic earthquake epicenters are plotted in grey. The…
Earthquake near Siberut, Indonesia: Sumatra Megathrust
Yesterday (I was busy getting a Mt. St. Helens field trip together, here is the link for that) we had an earthquake with a magnitude M = 6.1. While this is not a large earthquake, it is notable because this…
another earthquake in the east Java / Timor region of Indonesia
We had another earthquake in this region today. This is an interesting area of the world since this is a place where there is a transition between subduction to the west and collision to the east. The Island of Timor…
Indonesia Strikes Again
A deep earthquake has occurred probably within the downgoing Indo-Australia plate. The moment tensor shows oblique extension (part strike-slip, part normal). The depth aligns with the depth of the plate given the Hayes et al. (2012) slab models (which ends…
another northeast Japan earthquake in the Tohoku-Oki earthquake region
We have had another small aftershock. Here is the USGS web page for this earthquake. This time it is in a different region than the swarm of the past couple of weeks. There are several report updates, listed here: 2015.02.16…
Gorda plate earthquake 2015.02.24
Where else would we get a focal mechanism or moment tensor for an earthquake of such a small magnitude! We are so lucky. This is the USGS web page for the earthquake. We get Gorda plate earthquakes frequently and most…
Tohoku-Oki aftershocks are in a region of low slip during main events in 2011
Here is what I was getting at in my last post. I have taken the Ammon et al. (2011) slip model and placed it into a real world reference frame (rubbersheeted it in ArcGIS). Then I exported it as a…