This page is in the process of being rebuilt following the migration to a new web service.
This page describes my research in southern Humboldt Bay, northern California, southern Cascadia subduction zone.
- Here is an online version of my thesis.
- Here is a link to the 2006 Pacific Cell Friend’s of the Pleistocene Field Trip Guidebook, where there is an update of the paleoseismic and paleotsunami work.
- This is a link to the guidebook as a complete pdf
- This is the first chapter in the 2006 FOP Guidebook that is related to my MS: Hookton Slough
- This is the second chapter in the 2006 FOP Guidebook that is related to my MS: Swiss Hall
- This is the third chapter in the 2006 FOP Guidebook that is related to my MS: Tsunami
- I have also placed my defense slide show and thesis as pdf files.