We just had a large magnitude earthquake offshore of El Salvador. Here is the USGS web page for the earthquake. Based on the magnitude and depth, it is not expected to have triggered a tsunami that would reach the coast…
Earthquake near Guam!
Last night (Pacific Time) there was a M 6.7 earthquake in the western Pacific near Guam. Here is the USGS page for the earthquake. The depth is about 137 km, so it is unlikely to generate a tsunami. Also, the…
Napa Earthquake Update
There have been a swarm of geologists running around Napa taking photos and documenting evidence from the earthquake swarm on Sunday. Here is my first post about this earthquake swarm, with the M 6.0 earthquake being the largest magnitude earthquake.…
Napa Earthquake!
Social media was abuzz today about the M 6.0 earthquake in Napa. Here is the USGS webpage for the M 6.1 earthquake. This earthquake, and the aftershocks, have epicenters that lie between the Rogers Creek and Green Valley fault systems.…
Earthquake swarm in western Iran
Here we find an earthquake swarm in western Iran. The convergence between the Afica and Indo-Australia plates with the Eurasia plates is evidenced by the subduction zone along Sumatra and Java, the uplift of the Himalayas, the fold and thrust…
M 7.9 Rat Island / Aleutian Islands: aftershocks reveal more
There have been a nice suite of aftershocks to help us interpret these data. There were several aftershocks less than or equal to M = 6. These occurred within hours of the mainshock. They also occurred northwest of the mainshock.…
M 7.9 Aleutians Earthquake!
This one is large and fairly deep. Here is the USGS web page for this earthquake. There are several aftershocks, the largest so far is M 6. Today’s earthquakes are located along the Aleutian subduction zone, nearby the Bolan Ridge…
Panama Aftershocks Reveal Likely Fault Solution
All rightee… We have a number of aftershocks that are lighting up the potential fault that ruptured a couple days ago. Here is my page for this earthquake. Here is the USGS page. The aftershocks are aligned with the north-south…
SSA 2014 Photos
I have placed some photos into a basic photo gallery. These are from the 2014 Seismological Society of America Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska.
1964 Earthquake Animation
Here is a simulation of the 1964 earthquake. I found this posted online on livescience (they do not typically provide a link to the original content, but repost without attribution) but here is the source. Carl is an assistant professor of…